Our Learning Environment
For a positive transition into school
We believe that children have the right to a safe, inclusive and encouraging environment to learn in. As well as environment that is organised, well-resourced and fun.
We provide:
• an environment which reflects children’s interests and strengths
• an exciting indoor-outdoor environment with ample space
• low-visual stimuli on walls to prevent overstimulation for young minds
Forming respectful relationships with other children and adults is vital for effective learning. We encourage all children to develop positive relationships with others.
We provide:
• a sense of belonging
• a sense of wellbeing and feeling ‘connected’ at school
• respectful and reciprocal relationships between child, whānau, Early Childhood
Centres, school and wider community
We celebrate the diversity of students at
Te Whai Hiringa. We actively encourage children to express individuality through their unique culture, in the form of dance, drama,
music, visual art and language.
We celebrate:
the Whole-Child
cultural diversity
the ‘100 Languages of Children’
We believe all children have strengths and the ability to learn. We provide robust learning programmes, with emphasis on developing the Key Competencies. We embrace child-centred learning programmes which actively encourage children to take risks, problem solve and foster creativity.
We promote engagement and learning through:
building on children’s strengths and funds of knowledge
creativity and imagination
encouraging positive self-identity as learners
variably structured learning opportunities
high expectations for all learners