
Our Board of Trustees
Meet the Board
Kia ora, ko Dene Kire taku ingoa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaurua toku waka
Ko Nga Puhi te iwi
Ko Puhanga Tohora toku maunga
Ko Taheke te awa
Ko Tahekeroa toku marae
Ko Dene Koroki Kire toku ingoa
He mihi atu e te whānau o Te Whai Hiringa.
It is an absolute privilege to once again be serving our community on the school Board of Trustees. I am a father of five and live with my wife and family in Flaxmere. I have a long history with Te Whai Hiringa starting with being a foundation pupil when Peterhead School first opened.
My wife and our older children are also ex-students. Currently we have 3 children attending Te Whai Hiringa. I was fortunate enough to be able to serve on the Board of Trustees when our two older children were students at Te Whai Hiringa and once again enjoying being part of a great team that is working hard to ensure that Te Whai Hiringa is doing the best that it can for our students, whānau and community.
Te Whai Hiringa three kete represent values that are important to me. An effective school grows lifelong learners that can think independently (Maramatanga), care for others and their environment (Manaakitanga) and have a strong sense of belonging (Whanaungatanga). If we can all work together as a whānau and community, to fill our kete, our children will be on track to growing to their full potential.
We are growing our leaders of tomorrow right here at Te Whai Hiringa. I have enjoyed many years of working as a board member and look forward to serving with our newest members. I know we will continue to make great things happen! We have exciting times ahead. He waka eke noa.
Ngā mihi

Dene Kire
Presiding Member
Kia Ora koutou,
Ko Cherie Heeney toku ingoa, ko Ngāti Kahungunu, ko Ngāi Tamanuhiri, ko Whānau ā Apanui ko Ngai Tahu ōku iwi.
I am happily married with two beautiful tamariki Harlan and Hillary who are students at Te Whai Hiringa. Being a local wahine I'm very passionate about Paharakeke and even more passionate about educational success for all tamariki. Both my siblings and I are all former students at Te Whai Hiringa, and my brother Matua Rocky Pohatu is currently a teacher here too.
I'm the Deputy Principal of Flaxmere College and all our whānau are passionate about pushing success towards our tamariki in Flaxmere. Working in education for 16 years I have a good grasp of how that system works and would like to support our amazing tumuaki of Te Whai Hiringa to ensure that this school remains one of the top Primary schools in Hawkes Bay.
Ngā mihi
Cherie Heeney
Cherie Heeney
Ko Tapuae-o-uenuku te maunga
Ko Raukawa te awa
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Rangitāne ki Wairau, rātou ko Ngati Kuia, ko Ngati Koata ngā iwi
Ko April MacDonald ahau
Kia ora whanau o Te Whai Hiringa!
My name is April MacDonald and I grew up and went to school in Flaxmere myself so I am a passionate supporter of the Flaxmere community. I have 3 grown tamariki and my Mokopuna Willow currently attends Te Whai Hiringa. I am a registered kindergarten teacher and I have been lucky enough to have taught many of your tamariki as I am right next door at Peterhead Kindergarten. I have been teaching there for 12 years now and I feel so fortunate to support our young tamariki in their early learning journey.
Te Whai Hiringa is true to their purpose and provides a culturally responsive curriculum woven within their 3 kete values. I have witnessed many students grow, thrive and succeed at the kura and into adulthood. It is for this reason that I would like to join the Board as a Parent Representative. In the past I served on the board at Ebbett Park School when my own children attended there. My vision embraces working with colleagues, parents, whānau and community to provide quality education by nurturing, educating and supporting the mana of all children. I believe my background, education, community connections and experiences as a parent, teacher and nanny will guide me in this potential opportunity to help progress Te Whai Hiringa School into the future.
Ngā mihi maioha

April MacDonald

Paul Webb
Kia ora, kia orana, talofa lava e te whanau.
Ko Paul Webb tāku ingoa and I am the staff representative for Te Whai Hiringa.
I spent the first 21 years of my life living in Pāharakeke, where I attended Peterhead School, Flaxmere Intermediate School and Hastings Boys High School. I am very grateful for growing up in Flaxmere and I am excited at the chance to join the Te Whai Hiringa B.O.T. as the staff representative. I currently live in Taradale with my wife Jodie and we have 3 children, Kingston is 21 years old, Alaska is 20 years old and Maddison 15 years old. As a parent, I understand that whānau have high expectations and aspirations for their children’s future.
My teaching experience includes teaching at all year levels of primary school from juniors to intermediates. Prior to becoming a teacher, I spent several years as a teacher aide/learning coach and coaching athletics through clubs and as a private business.
I look forward to continuing my educational journey by representing not only the best interests of the staff, but of the students as well the whānau of Te Whai Hiringa.
Ngā mihi, meitaki ma’ata, fa'afetai tele lava
Paul Webb (Matua Paora)

Kori Waerea
Tineka Waitoa Tuala-Fata
Tumuaki / Principal
Viv Maher
Board Secretary
Jorian Tangaere